On the morning of Monday, April 17, Jab’a villagers held a march demanding the right to farm their land, along with Palestinians from nearby villages, and international and Israeli activists in this action against the apartheid wall and the settlements surrounding Jab’a.

The action was supported by the Popular Committee Against the Wall from nearby Beit Ummar.  The villagers planted trees on land that is threatened to be annexed by the wall.

Recently farmers have been denied access to their land by agressive settlers. Violence by settlers is commonplace in this area. Organizers hope that this show of Israeli and international support will allow villagers to access their land without fear of settler violence.

The demonstration will meet at Om Al Jamjoum, in front of the nearby illegal Israeli settlement of Beit Ain. Jab’a is just south of Bethlehem.

This action is  Recently newly planted olive trees in Beit Ummar were uprooted by settlers only 10 days after they were planted.

Jab’a is a Palestinian village of 900 people, which has 4000 dunams of land, 200 of which will be de-facto annexed to Israeli after the completion of the illegal Israeli Annexation Wall there.