Israeli Security Minister, Shaul Mofaz, held a security meeting to discuss the Israeli retaliation for the Tel Aviv suicide bombing carried on Monday, and decided to resume the military operations against the Islamic Jihad, especially in the West Bank cities of Nablus and Jenin.

The cabinet also decided to increase the military checkpoints and walls that separate the north of the West Bank from the south.

The recommendations are to be submitted to the Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, on Tuesday.   

An Israeli source reported that the Israeli response could be limited in order to avoid a further escalation in the area, or could be violent operations.  

Dozens of arrests are expected to take place in the north of the West Bank, Islamic Jihad members would top the Israeli list in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, in addition to other members of political factions, and fighters.

The suicide bombing was carried out while Israel was operating against Palestinian factions, and totally isolating the occupied territories, a fact that embarrassed the Israeli security devices.

Also, the bomber comes from Jenin where the army is carrying a wide scale operation in the city and in Nablus.

Dozens of members of the Islamic Jihad were arrested in Jenin, while dozens of Fateh members were arrested in Nablus; several explosive devices were located in the two area.  

According to Israeli sources, 72% of the Israeli killed in 2005 were killed during operation carried out by fighters of the Islamic Jihad.

The source claimed that Hamas is receiving financial support from Syrian and Iran.

Senior Israeli military officials said that each time Israel strikes against the Islamic Jihad, and kills its military leaders, new members emerge from Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarem and other Palestinian cities.
Mofaz said that the military was instructed to increase the pressure against the Palestinian factions but without "entering confrontations that could drive Hamas movement back into the circle of bombings".