In bid to ease the hard situation, the state employees are facing because of the financial crisis the Palestinian Authority is in, the Palestinian Minister of Finance Omar Abdul Razeq said the ministry is mulling a decision to give partial payments to the employees.
Additionally, Abdul Razeq added the Ministry of Finance is also studying the possibility to give full salary to some employees, pointing out that this depends on the aid actually coming in and how the relationships with the countries who promised donations remain.

He said in a radio statement on Thursday, that Qatar approved a direct aid of $50 millions that would be channeled through the Arab League to the PA Ministry of Finance.

Abdul Razeq clarified that the financial crisis in the government budget has existed for approximately seven years, but certainly not to this extent. He said that the government will work on easing the crisis, while reassuring the Palestinian citizens that, “We are not on the verge of the collapse or lasting hunger or a suffocating economic crisis.”

The main reason for the current PA financial crisis is the European Union and United States decision to halt aid to the Palestinian Authority Government, which was formed by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) who won the latest legislative democratic elections in January 25.