Sunday morning, the Israeli police evacuated three Jewish settler families that occupied a Palestinian house in Hebron, south of the West Bank. The Israeli radio reported that at least fifty settlers barricaded themselves in the house over the last two days.



The settlers, mainly “hilltop” youth, occupied Al Nazar Palestinian house in Hebron on April 6, and called it “Beit Shapira”.

Israeli online daily, Haaretz, reported that the settler families holed up in the house left the premises Sunday after “agreeing with the police that their resistance to the eviction will be nonviolent”.

At least forty to fifty extremist settler youth came to the house to “reinforce the families”, and remained there after the families were evacuated. The settler youth clashed with the Israeli police and threw paint and stones at security personnel who came to evict them.

One Israeli policeman was lightly injured in his face during a scuffle with the settlers.

Last week, the settlers appealed to the Israeli High court against their eviction from the occupied house, but the court ruled on Friday that the house should be evacuated by Monday.

On Sunday, close to 8:00 A.M. the policemen cut the front door with a disc-saw and broke into it.  Israeli TV, Channel 10, showed pictures of the policemen entering the house slowly without facing any opposition.

On Saturday at night, at least thirteen Israeli border policemen were injured during clashes with the settlers near the house; seven extremist settlers were arrested.