More than six months after the Israeli Supreme Court issued its decision to change the route of the Wall cutting through Qalqilia in the northwestern West Bank in order to de-isolate several villages; Israeli forces continue to circumvent the ruling.

Israeli Civil Administration officers have tried to convince Palestinian residents that they need 2,500 dunams for the Wall in order to complete the construction

Via telephone with PNN, a village spokesperson said that villagers collectively “reject any terms of a settlement with the occupation army.” The Israeli court became involved after local and international outcry over the encirclement of the city with the Wall and its gate system. 

The conversation continued, “We will not accept anything other than removing the Wall. We do not accept partial solutions to lessen some of the isolation.” 

The National Committee against the Wall and Settlement Construction lawyer, Fathi Shabith, reported Monday that the social and economic ramifications of the Wall on the population are devastating and the re-route would just create isolated cantons in other villages.