Palestinian informed sources reported that a summit meeting that would join the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas with his Egyptian counterpart, Husni Mubarak in Egypt soon, Palestine News Network reported on Tuesday.

In the meeting, both presidents will discuss the current situation in the Palestinian territories in the wake of the boycott imposed by the United States and the European Union to the Palestinian Authority which started two months ago after Hamas formed the Palestinian Government.
An Egyptian source reported the Palestinian ambassador to Cairo Muther Dajjani saying Abbas and Mubarak will meet in Sharm Al-Sheikh on Saturday.
Abbas will debrief Mubarak on the financial crisis the Palestinians are going through due to the American restrictions on the transfer of funds to the Palestinians.
The Hamas government has collected more than 90 million dollars from Arab countries.  The money is sitting at the Arab League awaiting to be permitted to enter the Palestinian areas to help paying 165 thousand Palestinian state employees who did not receive their paychecks for the months of March and April.
The EU and the US claim that the reason behind the restrictions is because Hamas continues to refuse to recognize Israel and renounce violence and to accept previous agreements signed between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
Hamas, on one hand, have expressed acceptance to establish a Palestinian state on the land occupied in 1967 only, which includes, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.