The Israeli Ynetnews reported that Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz renewed evacuation orders for a 12 illegal settlement outposts in the West Bank Wednesday night, as directed by Israel’s Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

The Ynet added that Peretz’s signature on the document renews the evacuation order in the new governmental term, and allows the immediate clearing of the 12 illegal outposts.

Former Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz, and former Prime Minister,  Ariel Sharon originated the document during the last government’s tenure, but the orders were shelved.

 The list includes Ramat Gilad, Givat Assaf, Maaleh Rehavam, Mitzpeh Lakhish, Givat Haroeh, Yitzhar Darom, Hazon David and Mitzpeh Yitzhar.

Recently the Israeli Peace Now movement filed a petition with the High Court of Justice demanding the court obligate the state to evacuate the settlements. The deliberations are meant to take place next week.

According to the Ynetnews, the eviction orders, although signed, does not mean that the illegal outposts will be evacuated soon, but the signature extends the applicability of the document.

Peace Now movement said that “nobody should celebrate this signing of the evacuation orders because  If Peretz really wanted to evacuate the outposts, he would be setting a date with the army to implement these orders”.

In the past, a previous document had been drafted and signed declaring the areas closed military zones, which would block the areas to settlers but the settlers freely moved into the outposts and barricaded themselves there.  

The illegal outposts are located on Palestinian private lands, and most of them are inhabited by few residents and are comprised of a small number of caravans.

Peretz “promised” upon entering his position that he  “would act with determination against illegal outposts”.

In addition, roughly one month ago the Civil Authority, which belongs to the Israeli army,  revealed that it was mapping out all outposts in the occupied Palestinian territories, and was working on a plan to evacuate and demolish the illegal structures.