Four Palestinians including two policemen were wounded Thursday night in clashes which erupted between unknown gunmen and Palestinian police in Gaza city, Palestinian medical sources reported.

The clashes erupted near the Palestinian Parliament building in the city.
The Palestinian Ministry of Interior dismissed reports that the clash is between the newly Palestinian force formed by Hamas and the PA security force.
Denying any clash between the two forces, Khaled Abu Hilal, spokesperson of the ministry told reporters on Thursday, that "a suspicious group in an unknown car opened fire at Gaza’s main police department targeting both the PA police and the special force."
Dr. Muawiya Hasaneen director of the emergency room in the Ministry of Health, said two have been treated for bullet wounds in their legs.
The situation in the Palestinian areas is tense especially after deployment of two security forces in the Gaza Strip, one by the Minister of Interior Sa’ed Siyam of Hamas and one by the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah, which creates a fertile soil for foreign intruders to provoke the situation.
Others regard the formation of this force stems from Hamas’ need to deal with their fighters who did not engage in any action against Israel since January 2005.
Most of the members of the new special force are members of Al-Qassam brigade, the armed wing of Hamas, which created an impression that Hamas’ failure to take over control over security forces who directly follow the president, had them to form this new force.
Abbas and some other Palestinian factions demanded Siyam to pullout the new force from the Palestinian streets.
While Hamas says the force was established in coordination with President Abbas, Nabil Abu Rdeineh, spokesperson of the president’s office said Abbas accepted to accommodate the resistance fighters within the PA security forces, but not form a special force for them.