The European Union Commission is currently formulating a plan to transfer dozens of millions of US Dollars to ministries withing the Palestinian government in order to enable them pay the salaries of their employees, and to avoid the collapse of essential services provided to the residents, the Arabs 48 news website reported.

The plan is dependent on the approval of the United States after it threatened to impose sanctions on any country that finances the Hamas-led Palestinian government.

The plan is composed of three main parts; financing vital ministries such as the ministries of health and education, financing the expenses of public services such as power supplies, and paying the salaries of Palestinian Authority (P. A) employees and pensions.

The monthly cost of this plan arrived to 43 million US Dollar.
Earlier this month, the European Union decided to achieve a mechanism to transfer funds to the P. A in order to avoid its collapse.

The plan is expected to be presented to the European Union Council in Brussels on Tuesday and will be discussed by representative of the donor countries nest Wednesday.  

After Hamas won the legislative elections in January, Israel decided to stop the transfer of custom  money it collect on behalf of the P. A, while the United Stated and the European Union froze the transfer of all aid money to the Hamas-led Palestinian government.