Tuesday night, Israeli soldiers tortured Palestinians waiting to pass through Jit Checkpoint east of the West Bank city,  not leaving alone the handicapped man with them. The beatings were described as “intense” and “long-lasting.”

A photographer, who gave only his first name, Mohammad, was at the Jit Checkpoint, 20 kilometers east of Qalqilia, told PNN; “I came to photograph what was happening along with several journalists. I saw Israeli soldiers beating young men, injuring one severely in the head and another beating him in the back. The soldiers prevented ambulances from reaching the severely injured who were on the ground. The only possibility was for medics to walk bandages from the ambulance.”

The photographer added, “The tortured victim protested being forced to sit on the ground first, several of the women from the Society against Checkpoints intervened during the beatings to inquire on the victims, and even for one who Israeli soldiers took 50 shekels from.”

Israeli soldiers denied stealing money and denied beating the men, despite the presence of major bruises and cuts on people’s backs and heads.”

He continued, “A group of Israeli settlers came through screaming threats that they would kill them.

The photographer also said that as is usual Israeli soldiers tried to prevent journalists from approaching the scene to document the abuse.

Traffic between Nablus and Tulkarem pass through Jit Village, where Israeli forces intentionally hinder movement. The extremist Israeli Qadumim Settlement is nearby where Israeli forces have an installation.