The Israeli authorities sent notices, on Thursday, to the three members of the same family informing them that they intend to demolish their homes south of Bethlehem. The order is effective on June 29, the Palestine News Agency (PNN) reported.

The houses belong to Sameer Ahmad Salah, and his brother Samih Jamal Mahmoud Salah. The houses were built near each other five years ago; they are housing 20 family members.

The demolish notices were were delivered Thursday state that the families’ homes would be destroyed on 29 June for what was noted as“military purposes”.

Sameer Salah informed the PNN that the real purpose of the demolition is that Israeli forces intend to expand the Wall through their lands. Israeli bulldozers have already begun dragging large plots of village lands outside Bethlehem, swallowing large tracts of land where dozens of Palestinians live.

Palestinians appealed to three local human rights organizations and international action groups to put an end to such practices, which would cause damage to the future of the Palestinian presence on the ground. The owners of these houses say that the real aim of such Israeli actions is to cleanse the land of the Palestinian population, an ethnic cleansing, as the saying goes.