A Palestinian security source reported on Monday that a member of the Executive Force, that belongs to the Ministry of Interior, was shot an killed by unknown gunmen in Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

The source said that the member, Hamad Hammad Abu Jazar, 21, suffered several rounds of live ammunition after the gunmen opened fire at him during the funeral of of Husam Abu Anza, member of the Executive Force, who died on Sunday of wounds suffered June 4.

Tension in Rafah is rising, especially after the killing of Abu Jazar, while the Executive Force, formed by Hamas, accused members of the Palestinian Preventive Security force of firing at Abu Jazar.  

In a separate incident, one member of the Preventive Security Force was pronounced clinically dead after gunmen opened fire at him.

Ayman Abu Hatab, 34, suffered several rounds of live ammunition when gunmen ambushed him as he was heading to his post at the Rafah border crossing where he works as an observer.