Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared that national dialogue will be resumed for a week, in bid to reach an agreement over the national conciliation document presented by the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, Palestinian sources reported.

Abbas’s statement came in a press conference that followed his meeting with Prime Minister Ismael Haniya and other factions’ leaders in Gaza on Tuesday night.
"I have no objection to resume the dialogue and I call all factions to join," said Abbas, adding that "all parties agreed to start dialogue on Wednesday and will last for one week."
When asked, Abbas refrained from confirming if the public referendum will inevitably take place and said with a sense of humor, "there is no need for provocative questions."
However, he said that the priority is to reach an agreement; if there is a need for the referendum it will be held.
"I hope there will be an agreement in a week, otherwise, we have to resort to the referendum."
Abbas ruled out chances for a civil war in the Palestinian territories saying there is no need for a massacre to motivate people to move, "there is a feeling of responsibility, the dialogue must continue and we must reach an agreement"
Abbas described the latest Israeli attacks in Gaza Strip as "State Terrorism" saying that he made contacts with the United Nations Secretary General, Kufi Anan and the Arab League Secretary General Amr Mousa and other world leaders asking them to interfere to end the Israeli attacks.
"Let them stop harming us, we are a nation seeking peace, and they are increasing their random murder of Palestinian innocent civilians."
The Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails hammered a document they called the National Conciliation in an attempt to unify the Palestinian rhetoric.  The document set the borders of the future Palestinian state to be on the lands Israel occupied in 1967, meaning the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
This, in addition to an article in the documents confirming the legality of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), are the two main issue of conflict between Hamas and Fatah.
Hamas has declared last month that it is ready to accept the establishment of a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders.