Palestinian security sources in the Rafah crossing border between Egypt and south of Gaza Strip  reported  Wednesday that the Palestinian Foreign Minister Dr Mahmoud Al Zahhar returned from a two week  Asian tour to the Gaza Strip via Egypt and arrived to Rafah crossing border  Wednesday afternoon ,carrying in his suitcase $ 20 Million dollars.
Al Zahar vowed to the officials at the crossing that this money will be handed over to the Palestinian government.
  A month earlier, Sami Abu Zuhri, the Hamas spokesperson transferred more than half million of euros to the Gaza Strip belted around his waist. Abu Zuhri said that these were donations to the Palestinian detainees.   
Days earlier, the security men at the crossing detained Dr Salah Al Bardawil while he was on his way to Gaza after a visit to Syria, with 4and a half million of euros.
Palestinian Mahmoud Abbas intervened and the money was released to be used by the Palestinian government.