Courage To Refuse conscientious objectors movement in Israel has renewed its activity in wake of the oscillating number of innocent Palestinians killed by the Israeli army in recent weeks. “The movement called on the soldiers to refuse to bombard Gaza because these orders are illegal”, the movement stated.

The renewed activity came on Thursday in the wake of the rising number of Palestinian civilians, including children and elderly, killed by Israeli missile attacks and failed assassination attempts in Gaza. 31 civilians were killed, including eleven children in recent period.

The movement called on the soldiers to refuse taking part in the attacks against Gaza.

"We, officers and combatants in the Israeli Army, who have served for many years in different fronts and who lost friends in the war to defend the homeland, call on soldiers and reservists, pilots, naval officers and gunners, to refuse firing at Gaza" the statement reads, “These attacks have already claimed the lives of dozens of innocent civilians, and obtained nothing but an increase in Qassam attacks and a rise in the hate against Israel. Bombarding the world’s most populated area constitutes a war crime that also undermines the country’s security”.

First Lieutenant (res.) David Zonshein, chairman of the The Courage to Refuse movement, said on Thursday that the movement was established four years ago and that its members are active advocates for insubordination.
Also, Courage to Refuse’s director-general, Arik Diamant, stated that there is no one in this world who will support bombarding Tel Aviv just “because there is a person responsible for artillery living there”.