In the Negev Desert, 1,200 Palestinian political prisoners have launched a hunger strike to protest the arbitrary practices of the prison administration praticed against them.

The strike comes in the wake of Monday’s attack on one section of the prison in which prison officials raided the cells, and then proceeded to confiscate and destroy electrical equipment, televisions, tape recorders, and other devices belonging to the prisoners.

Political prisoners told PNN that this raid was merely the latest action in a long slew of brutality and senselessness carried out by prison officials.

On Sunday, the officials cut out all electricity to the prison after Palestinians were seen to be celebrating the attack carrried by resistance fighters in Gaza that led to the capture of an Israeli soldier.

While the electricity has been returned to the prison, access to terrestrial television stations has been cut, disallowing prisoners from the ability to see the latest developments in the Palestinian arena, particularly the events that are unfolding in the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian political prisoners have indicated that the hunger strike will continue so long as prison administration continues to take fresh punitive and arbitrary actions against them. With the nonviolent hunger strike comes the inevitable increasing of tension inside the prison.