Abu Abeer, media spokesperson of the Popular Resistance Committees said on Wednesday at dawn that his group will kill the Israeli settler it abducted in the West Bank if Israel does not halt its invasion and attacks in the Gaza Strip.

Abu Abeer added that the settler, Eliyahu Asheri, 18, is an Israeli soldier studying at the Military College.
The Israeli security believes that the settler, could be held in Bethlehem or Ramallah in the West Bank. Asheri, of the settlement of Itamar, near the West Bank city of Nablus, was reported missing since Sunday; the Israeli police had been examining a possible connection between the missing person report and the resistance kidnap claim, army source reported.

Meanwhile, Abu Obeida, media spokesperson of the Al Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, warned the Israeli army of shelling Palestinian houses in the Gaza Strip and said that any house there could be the house where the Israeli soldier, who was abducted on Sunday, is held in.

Abu Obeida added that the resistance will start a wider campaign to abduct Israeli soldiers.

Israeli security sources believe that Shalit is being held in the Khan Younis refugee camp, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, and that the fighters who captured him may be considering moving him elsewhere, possibly to the Jabalia refugee camp.

Meanwhile, the Israeli aircraft attacked a Gaza City power station after midnight on Wednesday, cutting power  in most of the area, while soldiers who invaded the Gaza airport, and completely took control over it, conducted explosions there and set its main hall on fire.

Dozens of tanks and hundreds of soldiers are stationed at the airport and at its main gates.

The main power-plant in Gaza was shelled at least eight times this night causing power blackout in most of the parts of the Gaza Strip.

The army also shelled at least three bridges linking the different sides of the Gaza Strip and pushed its tanks to the south.

The Gaza Strip was officially declared a closed to military zone as the army kicked off its large offensive starting from Rafah.