The Israeli forces continued the arrest campaign in the West Bank city of Nablus and arrested 14 residents, Thursday morning.

Troops and army vehicles stormed the city, conducted a wide-scale search campaign in the city, in the nearby Ein Al May and Balata refugee camps, and in Assira village before arresting 14 residents and taking them to unknown locations.

Among the arrests; Ziad Asfor, 35, Jihad Hashash, 17, Mohamed Abu Khiet, 22, Husni Al Bortani, who works as a Palestinian  legislative council member, and the mayer of Assira Riad Al Ali, local sources reported.

Also among the arrestees was Yasser Manssor who is also Palestinian legislative council member, the sources added.

Army sources said that this arrest campaign is part of the military ongoing operation in the West Bank to locate and arrest the Intifada activists.