A press release issued by the Media Office of the Islamic Jihad movement in the West Bank revealed that prison administration and soldiers at the Megiddo Israeli detention facility broke into the detainees rooms and searched them, before transferring several detainees to other branches within the facility.

The Office  described the attack as part of a new policy Israel started using after the recent escalation in the Palestinian territories.

Several lawyers manged to visit the detainees in Megiddo and met with a number of detainees who complained of the bad treatment they face, in addition to the bad living condition in the detention facility.

Dozens of detainees are currently barred from their visitation rights, in addition to being barred from meeting with their lawyers.  

Also, prison administration barred the detainees from watching any new agency except the Israeli TV channels in Hebrew, in an attempt to completely isolate them from the outer world.

The detainees appealed humanitarian and international organizations to interfere and stop the illegal procedures practiced against them.