The Israeli army attacked a non-violent demonstration conducted by the residents of two towns near the West Bank city of Hebron. The peace activists were protesting the bulldozing of lands in the area carried out by the Israeli Army in preparation for the construction of the annexation Wall and settlers’ road near the illegal Israeli settlement Karmi Tzur.

The settelment is built on Palestinian privately owned lands confiscated from the towns of Halhul and Biet Ummer north of the West Bank city of Hebron. Several International peace activists and residents were injured after the army attacked them.

Local eyewitnesses reported that clashes erupted when the protestors attempted to stop the military bulldozers from leveling the lands.  The army attacked the protestors, fired tear gas, and arrested several residents and one of the internationals. At least five residents were injured after the army attacked them, several others were treated after inhaling tear gas.

Abed Al Hadi Hantash, member of the Palestinian Committee for land defense, said the Israel army uprooted hundreds of almond and vine trees in the area and confiscated at least 18 acres of farmlands from Halhul and Biet Ummer. This was done in preparation for the construction of the annexation wall. In addition, dozens of acres were confiscated to build a bypass road that is at least one kilometer long and 200 meters away from the eastern side of the Karni Tzur illegal settlement.