Palestinian medical and security sources in the Gaza Strip reported on Friday that Israeli soldiers stepped-up their military assaults in the Gaza Strip and killed three residents, a fourth resident died of wounds sustained on Thursday in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

The sources stated that three Palestinians were killed in Beit Lahia town, in the Gaza Strip, after the Israeli soldiers fired at dozens of houses in Al Isra’ neighborhood.

The three Palestinians were killed in two separate air strikes; their bodies were severely mutilated.

Also, the army launched several air strikes in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, while tanks and armored vehicles advanced in Beit Lahia.

Meanwhile, a fourth resident died of wounds suffered on Thursday during an air strike carried by the army in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian medical sources confirmed that twenty-eight Palestinians were killed since in less than twenty-four hours in seven air strikes in Beit Lahia. Most of the attacks took place in Al Salateen neighborhood, north of Beit Lahia.

Several air strikes were carried in the Jabalia refugee camp, in the Gaza Strip.

Media spokesperson of the Palestinian Ministry of Health confirmed that the death toll arrived to twenty-eight since yesterday at dawn, and that at least eighty residents, 27 of them are children, were injured. At least twelve of the injured residents are in intensive care units.

In the West Bank city of Nablus, troops shot and killed Tamer Qandeel, one of the fighters of the Al Aqsa Brigades, the armed wing of Fateh movement; at least four residents were injured in the attack.