An Israeli military source reported that Palestinian fighters attempted to fire an improvised Qassam homemade shell from the city of Tulkarem in the northern West Bank over the weekend.


The attempt failed, the sources told the Israeli Ynetnews.

“There is no doubt the fighters are trying to copy the technology and knowledge of manufacturing the homemade shells from the Gaza Strip," a senior Israeli security official said  .  

The official claimed there have been several attempts to fire the shells from the West Bank with various levels of success.

“There is no doubt that these attempts will continue,” the official stated, “Maybe they will succeed in some stage or another.”

According to Israeli army officials, the fighters fare filming the rocket lauches and sending the videos to “their donors” to prove that they are operating and need more money to continue the development of these shells.

The Israeli official said the army and the Israeli security services are arresting activists "involved in the matter."