In light of the escalating conflict between Israeli forces and the Lebanese resistance party Hezbollah, on top of the already heightened Israeli military aggression in the Gaza Strip, many prominent Palestinians are voicing their opinions about the situation. Palestine News Network is pleased to publish their statements.

Dr. Ghassan Hamdan, Director of Medical Relief Committees

Lebanese resistance attacks come as a direct response to the repeated Israeli crimes committed against both the Lebanese and Palestinian people. The State of Israel’s contempt for the dignity of the Arab people is obvious.

Mona Mansour, Member of the Legislative Council from Nablus

We cannot differentiate between what is happening in and the ongoing killing and destruction in Palestine. Just as the Israeli government should be condemned for their continued military aggression, officials of the Arab world should be condemned for their silence.

Dr. Abdel Sattar Qassem, Professor of Political Science at An Najah National University

I do not think that will be able to free their captive soldiers in and the Gaza Strip. Nevertheless, they will continue their military operations in such highly populated areas as Gaza City and southern Beirut. Eventually Israeli Arabs will gather the courage to stand up to and fight against their oppressive state.

Ghassan Al Shakah, Member of the Executive Committee

Aggression is not new to and Gaza. Under the occupation, the Palestinian people have suffered from the unilateralist will of the Israeli government. The absence of support from the and the European Union on behalf of the Arab people is deplorable. The international community must intervene immediately to protect the Lebanese and Palestinian people if there is to be any end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and hope for peace, security, and prosperity in the Middle East.

Yasser Badrsawi, Director of the Right of Return Center

The Israeli aggression against the Lebanese and Palestinian people demonstrates the policy of to respond to resistance with murder and destruction. Arab leaders need to unite in resistance and reject the politics of aggression.

Issam Abu Bakr, Secretary of the Fateh party in Nablus

Palestinian and other Arab political prisoners, which now number over 10,041, have a right to live in freedom and dignity and to be released from Israeli prisons. The international community must move quickly in order to resolve this crisis by diplomatic means. Aggression against and Gaza is an attempt by to marginalize the issue of prisoners as a humanitarian issue, and neglect the fact that many prisoners are women and children.

MP Gamal Alterawi, Fateh official

As was expected, is using the excuse of security concerns to wage war against the unarmed Palestinian people of the West Bank and Gaza. The Israeli government seeks to destroy any centers of power that may pose a threat to . It has become obvious that ’s power and influence in the region is only because of its immense international backing, a support system that has come at the expense of Arab nationalism. Here I call upon Arab intellectuals to divert attention away from internal differences, and start striving to preserve Arab identity and nationalism.

Lu’ay Abdo, Fateh official

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has delivered many messages to , the Arab world, and the These involved countries should understand that the era of bullying campaigns is over. , , and , among other countries, have struggled against imperialist regimes. Just like these countries, and Palestine will confront and deliver the message that such “bullying” is unacceptable.

Imad Ya’ensh, Palestinian National Council member

The time has come to understand that the Arab peoples of and Palestine will stand up to their oppressors and resist unfair treatment of political prisoners. Currently, Palestinian and Lebanese resistance parties are standing up to the face of American-Israeli destruction on various fronts. Thus, we shold not neglect the achievement of the capturing of Israeli soldiers as a major act of resistance. We must exploit this situation in favor of the Palestinian and Lebanese causes.

Entisar Sartawi, women’s rights activist

The Arab world and the international community must quickly resolve the current crisis and work for the release of political prisoners inside Israeli prisons. The silence of the international community has persisted for far too long. Thus, we call upon the UN Security Council and the League of Arab States to preserve democracy and insist upon the release of prisoners.

Mohammad Jamil Abdo, prisoner affairs activist

does not want peace, but rather is inciting violence and aggression. It is true that wants to impose an agenda for the Middle East based on its concept of a greater . Such an imposition will only lead to further conflict and the breaking down of the Israeli military machine by resistance forces such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

Mahmoud Harb, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

In the light of years of Israeli aggression, I maintain that it is the right of the Arab people to resist oppression. It is our right to resist and fight for the release of our brothers and sisters sitting in Israeli prisons.