Hundreds of Palestinian nonviolent activists took the streets outside Bethlehem in protest of the Israeli Annexation Wall. Al Khader Village is being forced under the shadow of the 25-foot concrete Israeli Wall. Dozens of foreign supporters joined the demonstration Friday.

According to human rights organizations, southern Bethlehem’s Al Khader Village could lose up to 90 percent of its agricultural land to the Wall. Land confiscation is rampant throughout the West Bank.

Yesterday’s nonviolent march began in front of the Grand Mosque after Friday prayers and continued to the site of Wall. Residents carried banners reinforcing the rights of the Palestinian population and condemned the Israeli Wall construction. In addition, the demonstrators denounced the recent surge of Israeli aggression against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples.

A number of landowners participated in the protest, stressing that the Israeli military threats to confiscate their land will not deter them from doing everything in their power to protect it. The marches in Al Khader have been taking place every Friday afternoon, as local activists utilize nonviolence to resist the Israeli government’s plans.