Thirteen Israeli soldiers were killed and twelve were injured in the ongoing gun battles in Maroun Al Ras, Bint Jbeil, and Eitaroun, in southern Lebanon. The soldiers are from the Golani Brigade that invaded the areas and clashed with Hezbollah fighters, the Arabs48 news website reported.

Sources at Hezbollah party said that its fighters ambushed Israeli soldiers in Bint Jbeil area.

Israeli army sources reported that a total of 25 soldiers were “hurt” after encountering Hezbollah gunmen face to face. The gunmen were carrying explosives and fired various missiles.

Israeli online daily Haaretz reported that “a large number of Israel Defense Forces soldiers were hurt Wednesday in fierce gun battles with Hezbollah in the southern Lebanese town of Bint Jbeil.

Haaretz added that the army was involved in efforts to retrieve the casualties, even as the heavy clashes continued.

Soldiers became involved in close-quarter fighting with Hezbollah gunmen earlier on Wednesday, despite taking control of the town earlier, Haaretz reported.

The fighting in the town did not stop since then while Hezbollah gunmen continued to fire at the Israeli soldiers who claimed controlling it on Tuesday.

Israeli ground and areal forces are attempting to evacuated the killed and injured troops, while military helicopters continued to fire missiles at Hezbollah fighters, the Israeli Ynetnews reported.

In spite the the Israeli army have announced that if fully controlled Bin Jbeil area on Tuesday, Hezbollah gunmen reported that they destroyed two Israeli vehicles.

Sheikh Hasan Nasrallah, secretary-general of the Lebanon based Hezbollah party, denied the Israeli reports of controlling Bint Jbeil.

Nasrallah added that the part if not a regular army, it might suffer losses in certain areas but its fighters will continue to fight, and the Israeli army will continue to suffer losses in lives and equipment.

Nasrallah accused Israel of launching a psychological war to undermine Lebanese morale and of exaggerating casualties inflicted on Hezbollah.

"We do not hide our martyrs”, Nasrallah stated, “We will announce any death of our leaders or ranks, we will announce it and take pride”.