In the past two weeks, since the onset of Israeli military operations in southern Lebanon, regional and international media has all but forgotten Palestine. The killings, incursions, and arrests by Israeli forces continue daily in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.


(Nablus) Amin Abu Wardeh, Thursday, 27 July 2006

Even Arab media is currently being criticized by many Palestinians. Yesterday’s slaughter of 23 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip was apparently only important enough to make the second story on most Arab media websites. The ongoing fighting on the Israeli-Lebanese border remains the top story.

What most media sources, and international political figures, are missing,is the clear and distinct relationship between the situation in southern Lebanon and the ongoing violance occurring all summer in Palestine.

The visit of U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to Ramallah only confirmed the beliefs of many Palestinian politicians that the international community is missing the connection between the clashes on the northern and southern fronts. Instead of discussing the Palestinian death tolls, or calling for prisoner exchanges, Rice pressured the Palestinian side to release the captured Israeli soldier.

While the media diverts its attention to the conflict in southern Lebanon, and key political figures blatantly ignore real prospects for peace, Israeli aggression in the West Bank and Gaza will continue to claim the lives of innocent Palestinians.

The Israeli military operations in southern Lebanon and the Gaza Strip are not mutually exclusive. Both situations demonstrate Israel’s flagrant violations of international humanitarian law.