Two US cargo planes believed to be carrying bombs bound for Israel have failed to land for refuelling at a Scottish airport, where a protest was staged at the expected stop-over, the airport said.

Separately, a source at Glasgow’s Prestwick airport added that the planes were diverted to RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk, in eastern England, which is operated by the US Air Force.

150 people demonstrated outside the main entrance of Prestwick airport. Peace campaigners fear that US planes which have refuelled at Prestwick are delivering arms to Israel for its offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Demonstrators unfurled banners, Lebanese flags and placards splashed with graphic images of the destruction being caused in the Middle East, before chanting peace slogans and making a series of speeches.

Protesters included members of Scotland’s Lebanese community.

Referring to British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s support for US President George W. Bush’s refusal to call for an immediate ceasefire or condemn Israel’s actions, they chanted: "Tony Blair shame on you", "George Bush shame on you" and "Stop the war".