Hundreds of Palestinian and International demonstrators took part in the symbolic funeral procession in the town of Beit Sahour, near Bethlehem, Sunday. The event was organized to protest the silence against the attacks Israel is carrying in Palestine and Lebanon.

The protest was in the form of a funeral, where three coffins, marked as “The International Conscience, The United Nations and the Arab league” were carried by the protestors to a dumpsite in town where the coffins were buried.

The march, lead by the boy sand girls scouts groups, started at the Greek Orthodox Church in town after the Sunday mass, then moved to the municipality building, where the crowd was joined by the worshippers at the Roman Catholic church then to the burial site.

The marchers carried signs condemning the killing of civilians and condemning the silence towards the Israeli attacks.

The activity was organized by the Arab Orthodox Club, The Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement between People and the Applied Research Institute-Jerusalem (ARIJ).

Asked about the purpose of the protest, Dr. Jad Isaac, director of ARIJ, said it is to tell the world that “the United Nations functions only to satisfy the will of one nation only, which is the United States and not the whole nations.”

At the burial site, the priest of the town carried out the usual burial ceremony and a bulldozer buried the coffins after the protestors threw stones and soil at the coffins.

At least 150 Palestinians have been killed, many of them children, and thousands have been wounded in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the Israeli military operation "Summer Rains" June 28.  At least 1000 Lebanese, one third of them children, have been killed and nearly 900 thousand have been displaced since Israel started the war on Lebanon in July 12.

Hezbollah also fired at least 3000 missiles into Israel, killing around 100 Israelis, mostly soldiers. The latest were 12 soldiers killed Sunday in a missile attack on Kiryat Shmoneh in northern Israel.