Monday evening, Israeli air force shelled several civilian houses in Bretal village, in Al Biqa’ area in Lebanon killing at least 13 civilians; 23 were injured. In Al Shayyah neighborhood in Al Dahiya, 15 were killed, and dozens were injured in further Israeli shelling. Dozens of houses, and stores were completely damaged. At least 69 Lebanese were killed on Monday in several Lebanese areas.

Lebanese medical sources reported that several children and women are among the killed and injured.

The shelled houses including families who took shelter there fearing Israeli shelling to their houses.

Earlier on Monday, five Lebanese civilians, including two medics, were killed after the Israeli army sir struck several villages in southern Lebanon.

In Al Ghassaniyya town, south of Saida, eight civilians were killed after they were buried under the rubber of a house shelled by the army, five were injured.

Seven more Lebanese were killed and 17 were injured in a further air strike that targeted Al Ghaziyya town.
One more civilian were killed on Tuesday noon after the Israeli air force shelled Houla village, in southern Lebanon. Earlier report said that dozens were killed in the attack, but it appeared later on that the residents were rescued from under the rubble.

Lebanese medical sources reported that two civilians were killed in Harouf town, near Al Nabatiyya.

Also, four civilians were killed under the rubble of their houses when the army shelled it in Kafer Tabneet, near Qal’et Shqeif, in southern Lebanon.

Two Lebanese were also killed in Al Biqa’ plains after the army carried twenty air strikes there.

Moreover, two camion drivers were killed while driving north and south of Al Biqa’, the two trucks were filled with vegetables.

At least 10 Lebanese residents were killed and 10 others were injured in a series of Israeli strikes that targeted south and east of Sour, in southern Lebanon. A truck driver was also killed while trying to transfer food to the town, a Lebanese Civil Defense official reported.

Humanitarian organizations in Lebanon said that the Israeli air strikes and and naval siege on Lebanon is baring them from helping 800.000 to 1 million residents who were displaced since the beginning of the war.

Moreover, the Lebanese government held a special session on Monday at night and decided to deploy Lebanese troops in souther Lebanon.

At least 15.000 Lebanese troops will be deployed in the area besides the force the belongs to the UNIFIL.

The announcement came hours after the Lebanese army called it reserve troops, while the government said that a ceasefire should be enforced to enable the deployment.

According to the Qatar based Al Jazeera TV, the Lebanese President, Lahhoud, and Hezbollah agreed to deployment of troops.