According to official Lebanese sources, at least 1000 residents were killed and 3369 were injured since the clashes started in July 12, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported.

The Higher Relief Committee in Lebanon reported that at least 951 of the killed are civilians, 30% of them are children under 12 years old.

30 Lebanese soldiers are also among the dead.
53 of the killed are Hezbollah fighters, seven are members of Amal movement, and one is a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command.

Also, the Israeli shelling killed four UN observers and one member of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) present in Lebanon.  

At least 915672 Lebanese left these homes as a result of the Israeli shelling to civilians areas, among them 220.000 who left Lebanon.

These numbers include 100.000 international and Lebanese civilians who carried foreign nationalities besides their Lebanese nationality.

Rebuilding the damaged Lebanese infrastructure requires at least 5.2 billion US dollars. Damage in infrastructure  is estimated by 721 million dollars. Damage in Houses  and shops is estimated by 953 million, and damage in the industrial sector is estimated by 180 million.

Damage in Fuel Stations in estimated by 10 million, military facilities 16 million, and 191 million of damage in other facilities and properties.