According to a report published by OCHA on Wednesday, a total of 1,020 have been killed in Lebanon, 3,508 injured, and 960 000 have been displaced. Emergency aid is being hampered by Israeli forces, leaving communities in extremely difficult situations.  

Those still remaining in southern Lebanon are faced with a serious shortage of supplies. Only one of 11 trucks carrying basic essentials such as food, medicine and water was able to reach the city of Saida on Wednesday, as a result of an Israeli military curfew placed on areas south of the Litani River, the OCHA report stated. Local authorities have estimated that 130 000 people remain in the South, including 40 000 Palestinians in Tyre refugee camp and 25 000 people along the border.

According to the UNICEF Water and Sanitation Cluster, some communities in the South are facing severe problems, such as access to water, as they have been cut off from humanitarian assistance. A warehouse of medical supplies used by WHO was seriously damaged in Beirut on Wednesday, by a box of leaflets dropped by Israeli military planes.   

Heavy fighting has continued in the last 48 hours in the South, especially in the Bekaa Valley, where one man was killed on Thursday, and 12 wounded.

Also on Thursday, the Daily Star reported that Israeli warplanes struck a historic lighthouse in West Beirut, wounding 2 people in what rescue workers call ‘a densely packed residential area