In its weekly report, from August 3-9, 2006 on the Israeli violations of human rights in Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) said 25 Palestinians, including 6 children and an old man, were killed by the Israeli army. 17 of the victims, including two children, were killed in Rafah.  3 of the victims were extra-judicially executed by the Israeli army in the West Bank.

The report added that 59 Palestinian civilians, including 26 children and women, were wounded by the Israeli army gunfire.

PCHR stated in their report that the Israeli army launched a series of air strikes on a number of houses in the Gaza Strip. 3 houses were destroyed after their residents were warned that the houses would be attacked.  "The Israeli army continued to shell the northern Gaza Strip and al-Shouka village near Rafah, and many families were forced to leave their homes," the report added.

"The Israeli army conducted 38 offensives into Palestinian communities in the West Bank, and moved into several areas in the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah.  The Israeli army destroyed 41 houses and razed at least 557 dunams of agricultural land in Rafah."

The Center also mentioned that the Israeli army took 44 Palestinians prisoner in the West Bank and 20 others in the Gaza Strip this week.

"The Israeli army continued to impose a total siege on the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories, imposing a tightened siege on the Gaza Strip, and there have been shortages of foodstuffs and fuels.  Israeli soldiers positioned at a checkpoint in the West Bank arrested a Palestinian civilian," the report said.

PCHR added that the Israeli army continued this week to construct the Annexation Wall in the West Bank. "They siezed areas of land in Hebron and burned at least 100 dunams of agricultural land in Tulkarm."

The report said that Jewish colonizers in the West Bank continued attacks against Palestinian civilians and property in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories. "One Palestinian civilian was killed this week, and his son was wounded by colonizers in an unprovoked, premeditated attack”, said the report.