The body of a Palestinian man abducted by an unknown armed group was found on Thursday in the Iraqi capital Baghdad. The body carried sever torture marks and several rounds of live ammunition.

A medical source at a morgue in north Baghdad reported that the body of Hussein Rasheed Abu Al Haija, 50, had marks of several rounds of live ammunition, in addition to clear marks and bruises as a result of torture.

Abu Al Haija is en employee at the Palestinian embassy in Baghdad. He lived in Al Doura area, south-east of the Iraqi capital.

The attack comes as dozens of Palestinian families are leaving Iraq towards the Syrian borders as a result to the series of attacks against the Palestinian refugees in Iraq. Currently there are at least 300 refugees stranded in a refugee camp at the Syrian borders.

There are also some 400 Palestinian refugees who are stranded on the Iraqi-Jordanian borders and living in a refugee camp at the borders since 2003.

Palestinian media sources reported that the Palestinian refugees in Iraq were attacked at least 655 times, and 164 refugees were killed since the collapse of the former Iraqi regime headed by Saddam Hussein. At least 59 Palestinian refugees are currently detained in prisons controlled by the US and British soldiers, and in Iraqi prisons.
Palestinian refugees in Iraq are facing very difficult living conditions, and subjected to repeated attacks by unknown armed groups that demanded them to leave Iraq or face death. Most of the attacks were carried in Al Huriyya, Al Toubajy, Al Za’faraniyya. Baghdad, New Baghdad, Al Ameen and Al Ghaziliyya.