Tuesday at dawn, Israeli army troops, backed by armored vehicles, invaded the West Bank city of Nablus from its main entrances of Biet Eba and Huwwara , and took four prisoner, including an 80-year old man.  The elderly man is the father of a resistance fighter of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, the armed wing of Fatteh movement .

Local sources in the city reported that the soldiers broke into several homes in Al Qaryoun neighborhood including the home of Rawhi Soufan, 80, father of Fuad Soufan , 26, member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, the armed wing of Fatteh and wanted by the Israeli security.

The arrest of the father comes in violation to the international law that bars occupation troops from arresting family members of "wanted people".

Army also took three residents prisoners from several neighborhoods, they were identified as, Firas Qandeel, 25, a resident of Al Shiekh Musalam neighborhood in the old city and brother of a member of the Al Aqsa martyrs Brigade, another resident of Krum Ashur area, north of Nablus, who was identified as Yousif Ameen Lidawi, 21, and Mohamad Omar Al- Takruri, 24, a resident of Al Qaryoun neighborhood.