The Israeli Army invaded the district of Farheen, east of Khan Younis city and south of the Gaza Strip, killing one resident and arresting another early Thursday morning.
Eyewitnesses report that an under cover special army unit backed up with tanks and army bulldozers and the participation of warplanes swept the area and kidnapped Younis Abu Doka, a Hamas Leader who works as a teacher at the Islamic University in Gaza..

Meanwhile, a group of undercover soldiers stormed the home of his brother Youssef, and killed him instantly. Medical sources confirm that Youssef was shot from a close range in the head and chest and died instantly.

Tanks and warplanes shelled the homes of both Younis and Youssef, destroying them. The other family members who also live in the home were present during the shelling and barely escaped the attack. The two houses are shelters for 20 members of the family. According to the family, that it was a miracle that there was not have a massacre there.

Troops left the area leaving behind massive destruction on civilian property and several panic injuries among the children.