Thursday night after midnight, Israeli air force fired missiles at two Palestinian houses in Jabalia in the northern part of the Gaza City injuring at least nine residents, Palestinian medical and security sources reported.

An Israeli military sources said that the attack targeted a house of one of the fighters of the Al Aqsa Brigades, the armed wing of Fateh.

According to Israeli sources, soldiers phoned the house of Salim Thabit, and asked him to evacuate the home approximately fifteen minutes before troops shelled it.
Relatives of Salim reported that the army told them to remain out of the area because soldiers might carry strikes.

Five of the injured residents live in a nearby house, it remain unknown if the fighter was hurt.
Moreover, the Israeli air force shelled a two-story home in Gaza City causing heavy damage and inflaming fire in the structure.

Palestinian security sources reported that one of the missile fired at the house did not explode and a bomb squad was called to dismantle it.

An Israeli military source claimed that the two air strikes targeted “weapons storage facilities” and that the residents were informed before the attack.

In Recent weeks, the Israeli army carried dozens of similar attacks leveling several Palestinian homes, injuring and killing dozens of civilians, including children and elderly.

Such attacks against civilian homes and infrastructure are in direct violation to the International Law and the Fourth Geneva Convention that calls for the protection of civilians during the time of war.