Egyptian foreign minister Ahmed Abul Ghait and Pakistan's United
Nations representative Imtiaz Hussain both made statements Friday tying
violence in the region to Israel's occupation of
Palestine.  Said Hussain, "Clearly, the root cause of the
Israeli-Lebanon conflict, the root of the Palestinian resistance, the
root cause of the suicide bombings and rocket attacks, is Israel's 38
year occupation of the Palestinian and Arab territories."

Ahmed Abul Ghait pointed out in a press conference in Egypt, "Leaving this issue unsolved is the reason behind the worsening situation and the developments which the region is witnessing".

Pakistan's Imtiaz Hussain challenged the downturn of negotiations in the region to to Israel's insistence on unilateral measures.  He said that, at one time, "The structure of a durable peace in the Holy land was well-known: the vision of the two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side with secure and recognized borders", adding, "To realise that vision, the [United Nations Security] Council must secure the non-selective implementation of its own resolutions, as well as the provisions of the Arab peace initiative and the Quartet- backed Road map."

Egyptian foreign minister  Abul Gait stressed that the Israeli violations in Lebanon after declaring a ceasefire endanger the UN resolution 1701.  The minister opined that the Lebanese army must be allowed to be deployed in south Lebanon and Israel must completely withdraw from all Lebanese territories. He also said that European participation in the international forces that is expected to be deployed in south Lebanon must be accelerated.

Both representatives pointed to the importance of Israel accepting and adhering to existing peace agreements with Palestine, including the 'Road Map for Peace' in order for negotiations to be able to go forward.