A Palestinian medical source in the Gaza Strip reported on Sunday evening that one fighter was killed in Al Shujaeyya area, east of Gaza City raising the number of Palestinian killed in the area on Sunday to three. A 6-year old child was injured as soldiers fired at houses in the area.


Sameh Mohammad Abu Amro, 24, member of the Al Qassam Brigades, the armed wing Hamas, was shot and killed when an Israeli sniper soldier topping a building in the city fired one bullet at him.

The soldier is a member of a military brigade the occupied the building as the Israeli tanks were invading the area last night.

Moreover, the Palestinian News Agency, WAFA, reported that a six-year old child was seriously injured in Al Shujaeyya after the army fired rounds of live ammunition at Palestinian homes.

The child, Husam Al Sarsawi, 6, was injured in his head while he was at home with his family in Al Mansoura Street, in Al Shujaeyya neighborhood.

Medical sources in Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza reported that 13 residents were injured since Israel started its offensive in Al Shujaeyya on Saturday.

Earlier on Sunday at dawn, Israeli soldiers killed two members of the Al Qassam brigades in Al Shujaeyya.