The Israeli army took nine residents as prisoners in the West Bank city
of Hebron and the nearby towns of Al-Thahria and Sa'eer towns, on Thursday morning.

Troops, backed by dozens of army jeeps, stormed the city and the two towns, and conducted wide scale search campaign to the residents houses.

Soldiers searched and ransacked residents houses in a very rough way, eyewitnesses reported, and added that soldiers found no weapons or explosives in any of the attacked houses.

The detainees were identified as Amjad Al Wreidat, 29, his brother Eyad, 23, Mohamed Wreidat, 24  Ra'ed Al Wreidat, 34, and Anwar  Al Wreidat, 25, from Al-Thahria and Mohamed Amro, 30, Sa'ed Al Herbawi, 21 and Ma'mon Al Oweiwi, 27, from Hebron and  Osama Abd Al Torwa, 30 from Sa'eer, the Palestinian Prisoners' Ssociety office in Hebron reported.

The Palestinian News Agenecy, WAFA, reported that troops who invaded al-Thahria forced seven family members of Al-Wreidat out of their house and detained them for over an hour while searching their house. 
