Palestinian parties are making contacts Saturday to implement the
coalition government now that Fateh and Hamas have agreed on the
composition. Prime Minister Ismail Haniyya said Friday that he has four
conditions for the next phase, particularly as garnering the release of
political prisoners is caught up in forming a new government, while
reactivating dialogue with the Palestine Liberation Organization is an
imposed requirement.

Prime Minister Haniyya delivered his comments after Friday prayers at the Mosque near Salah Ed Deen Street in Gaza City’s Al Zeitoun neighborhood. He said that the conditions for the second phase are to allow Hamas and Islamic Jihad to begin a dialogue to reactivate and rebuild the PLO with the two parties as members.

The first meeting regarding the PLO and its reactivation will be held in Damascus on 28 September. Haniyya said that anyone who wants to be involved in any leading organizations must have not been accused of corruption, must have integrity, work efficiently, and have respect for Palestinians’ legitimate rights, the will of the people, and the terms of the Constitution.

He said, “Consultations are continuing regarding the specifics of the political program of the coalition government.” Haniyya pointed out that the National Accord Document which lies at the base of the political program “says there is no recognition of the legitimacy of occupation. We could not recognize the occupation on Palestinian land.” The Prime Minister continued, “Once the issue of the political program becomes clear we will begin to take steps regarding the Constitution.”

The Prime Minister addressed several problems that faced the Hamas Government for the six months it has been in office, including confused power between the Presidency and the Government. Haniyya said the period was of “overlapping jurisdictions, it was a government without security and no information, no money.”

Numbers and names of placements are rumors at this point, but it is clear that Haniyya will remain Prime Minister. Major points of contention are expected between him and the President over filling the positions of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Finance, and the Interior.