Palestinian medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported on Thursday
morning that one resident died of wounds sustained on September 22
during clashes between members of the Executive Committee and fighters
of the Al Aqsa Brigades, the armed wing of Fateh.

The Executive Committee Force was formed by the Hamas party after the movement won the majority of the Legislative Council seats.

The clashes took place around Kamal Adwan hospital, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. Six residents were injured in the clashes, resident Taiseer Misbah Al Hindy, 45, was injured in his head and died of his wounds on Thursday.

The northern part of the Gaza Strip witnessed increasing tension between members of the executive force and members of Fateh's armed wing.

Hamas movement plans to organize a massive protest on Friday in response to leaflets and statements declared by Fateh leaders against it over the last two days, a source at Hamas said.

Both Hamas and Fateh exchanged accusations over the causes of the violent clashes that took around the hospital.