Palestinian civilians crossing the checkpoint Nakhlat located South
West of Nablus, were shocked to find carcasses of pigs next to the area
in which they were forced to park cars and stand while waiting to
leaving Nablus.

Qaies Abu Samra a local resident of Nablus, who passes the checkpoint frequently for work purposes, told PNN that soldiers had left the carcasses of the pigs in the road, forcing those attempting to cross the checkpoint to be stood in the vicinity of the dead animals.

In Palestinian culture pigs are not eaten by Muslims and generally considered to be dirty animals, hence it is highly offensive to be forced to be in such close proximity to the rotting carcasses.

Abu Samra point out that this checkpoint was originally temporary, but since the beginning of Ramadan the checkpoint appears to have become permanent.  This means that between Nablus and Qalqilia, a distance of less than five kilometers, there are now three checkpoints.
Wadah Abu Sha'ar, a taxi driver, said that troops are currently detaining scores of Palestinian vehicles and closing checkpoints, particular as the time approaches the break of the daily fast, which is carried out during Ramadan.  It is very obvious that it is not a coincidence that this sudden increase in detentions and blockades coincides with the breaking of the fast.  It is well known that a the end of the day Muslims are anxious to reach their homes to eat and therefore this move is clearly designed to cause discomfort and inconvenience.

A report published by OCHA, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, states that there has been 'a 40 percent rise in the number of Israeli checkpoints since 8 June 2005 a date which coordinates with last year's Gaza disengagement plan'.  To reach some villages next to the green line it is necessary to cross three checkpoints. 

This reported is sourced from