Several hours after evacuating from Qabatia town, near Jenin in the
norther part of the West Bank, troops supported by dozens of armored
vehicles and jeeps, invaded it once again from several directions, the
Palestinian News Agency, WAFA, reported.


The agency stated that soldiers fired rounds of live ammunition at several houses, while military vehicles invaded the town.

Also, eyewitnesses reported that under-cover units of the Israeli army infiltrated into the town using one small camion and a local-licensed car.

The residents noticed the under-cover forces driving in the town before the army was intensively deployed there.

Earlier on Wednesday, soldiers carried a wide-scaled invasion into the town, took twenty residents, including children, prisoner and moved them to unknown destinations.

Soldiers broke into dozens of homes and searched them after forcing the residents out.

Israeli Army seizes at least twelve Palestinians in ongoing invasion of Qabatia village near Jenin
Ghassan Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies , 13:37

The Israeli army continued its military operation in the village of
Qabatia, south of the West Bank city of Jenin, and took at least twelve
residents prisoner on Wednesday afternoon. 

The search campaign started earlier on Wednesday morning, when Israeli soldiers ransacked 15 houses belonging to local residents of Qabatia.  All of the village residents were taken hostage for several hours by the Israeli soldiers, who occupied the local boys and girls' schools, and held the residents there while searching their homes.

Local sources said that army already took at lest 12 residents as prisoners and moved them to unknown location there were known as; Bilal Abu Al Rab, 35, Fadi Abu Al Rab, 22 his brothers Ahmad, 22, and Mahmoud, 18, Ali Abu Al Rab, 38, his son Ahmad, 10, Khalid Abu Al Rab, Faleh Abu Al Rab, 50, his sons Mohamed, 24, Azmi, 19, and Nour, 15, Mohamed Abu Al Rab, 20, and his brother Abdullah, 19.
The sources added that army is still in the village, attacking houses and forcing people to gather in the interrogation places.

Army starts a new military operation in Qabatia near Jenin and search scores of residents' homes

Ghassan Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies, 10:36

The Israeli army started a new military campaign in the village of
Qabatia, south of Jenin city and north of the West Bank on Wednesday

During the wide scale search campaign, soldiers stormed residents' homes and ransacked their belongings, eyewitnesses reported, and added that soldiers are entering residents' homes and forcing families to go out of their houses before searching them.

The Israeli forces are also gathering the men in the boys' public school and the women and children in the girls' public school and questioning them before searching their houses.

Clashes erupted between the invading troops and local stone throwing youth. Two youth were injured and moved a nearby hospital for treatment. Their wounds were described as light injuries, medical sources reported.
Residents said that army jeeps and bulldozers are still in the village and the people are still being detained in the public schools. In the meantime they said that the army has been surrounding the village for the past three days and leaving it under a very heavy and continuous siege.

On Tuesday, the Israeli army invaded the village of Qabatia and opened fire at local residents, killing two civilians and one member of the Islamic Jihad movement. At least seven residents were injured when local youth clashed with the army. 

The army is still in the village detaining civilians and searching houses, local sources added.