The Palestinian Center For Human Rights published on Thursday its
weekly report and revealed that Israeli soldiers shot and killed 28
Palestinians, 17 of whom including two children and a woman are
civilians. Six of the killed residents were extra-judicially executed.

The Center reported that the army escalated its attacks in on Palestinian civilian and their property in the occupied Palestinians territories.

The center reported that 28 Palestinians were killed, 17 of whom, including two children and a woman, are civilians. 24 Palestinians were killed in the Gaza Strip.

The center added that the two children together with their fathers, and that the assassinations of the six residents were carried in three separate attacks.

44 Palestinians, including 14 children and 4 women, were injured.

This increase in the number of casualties in the Gaza Strip followed orders by the Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz to his army to expand military operations in the Gaza Strip allegedly to stop the armament of Palestinian organizations, the center reported.

Also, the center reported that five Palestinian houses and civilian facilities were destroyed and several other houses were damaged due to the Israeli shelling of civilian area.

Troops carried a total of 30 invasions into the Palestinian cities, villages and refugee camps in the occupied West Bank, six invasions were carried out in the Gaza Strip.

The comprehensive siege imposed on the occupied territories was tightened barring the residents from leaving their own areas. Three civilians were arrested at checkpoints in the West Bank.

The construction of the Annexation Wall in the occupied West Bank resumed taking more Palestinian lands and isolating them from their owners.

Palestinian farmers have been denied access to their orchards to cultivate olives.

Click here for Full Report