The Israeli army invaded the Sofa border crossing in the eastern areas
of the city of Khan Younis, in the South of the Gaza strip; attacking residents' houses
and killing a 50 year old, on Saturday morning.

Medical sources reported that Baraka Al E'mur, 50, was killed after being shot in the head as army tanks opened fire at resident's houses during the invasion.  Army bulldozers destroyed the houses of Mohamed Al E'mur, the son of Baraka, after killing his father, eyewitnesses reported.

Palestinian sources said that the army is still in the area; bulldozers are destroying the infrastructure and farm land.  The army claims that they are looking for tunnels which the Palestinian resistance is using to smuggle weapons.

The Israeli army is also still operating near the Rafah border crossing, in the south of the Gaza strip; bulldozing lands, destroying roads and attacking residents' houses.  This is the continuation of an operation that started last Wednesday, which army sources claim is to stop Palestinian resistance from smuggling weapons into Gaza.

Israeli Defense Minister, Amir Peretz, ordered the army to expand its invasion of Gaza with the aim of bringing a halt to the launching of home made Palestinian shells on Israeli targets. 

Israeli tanks and armored vehicles proceeded to invade residential areas in the Gaza all last week; killing 11 and injuring 44 in the attacks, including 14 children and 4 women.  This brought Gaza’s death toll, since the beginning of Israel’s 'Operation Summer Rains' this June, to 311 Palestinians, including 62 children and 13 women.  1071 have been injured, including 315 children and 44 women.

Israeli military officials claim Hamas has been using weapons in the Gaza Strip received from abroad.  A claim that Hamas denied, Salah Al-Bardaweel, spokesman of Hamas bloc at the Palestinian Parliament told IMEMC:  "This is not true as Hamas' actions and tools of resistance have been self-reliance. Hamas manufactures simple means of resistance to confront the massive Zionist war machine."