Palestinian medical sources  reported on Monday afternoon that seven Palestinians were killed and at least thirty were injured by military fire of the Israeli under-cover forces that infiltrated into the town. Among the casualties, leader of the Al Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad.


Six of the killed are members of the same family, the Palestinian News Agency WAFA reported.

The agency added that troops opened fire at a mourning house of the Shanbari family in Beit Hanoun, killing six residents, and injuring at least thirty, four seriously.

Eyewitnesses reported that the under-cover forces fortified themselves in a building south of Beit Hanoun and shot and killed Atta Shanbari, leader of the Al Quds Brigades in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

Also residents Khaled Shanbari, Mohammad Fuad Shanbari, Ibrahim Fuad Shanbari, Kamal Adnan Shanbari,  Riyadh Shanbari and Rami Mousa Hamdan were killed in the attack.

At least thirty residents were injured, some seriously, medical facilities in Beit Hanoun appealed the residents to donate blood especially type O Negative.

Soldiers withdrew from Beit Hanoun on Monday afternoon, after the army invaded it from the south-eastern side to secure the withdrawal of the under-cover forces.

Two residents were injured in separate clashes with the army in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.     

Four killed and 30 wounded in Beit Hanoun
George Rishmawi-IMEMC & Agencies – Monday, 23 October 2006, 11:25

At least four Palestinians have been killed and 30 were wounded as Israeli forces invaded the northern Gaza Strip city of Beit Hanoun on Monday morning, media sources reported.

Palestinian sources said the dead were two brothers and their two nephews. The source added that at lest 30 were wounded as the army bombed the city while residents were celebrating the Muslim holidays of Eid Al-Fitr.

Security sources believe the attack targeted Atta Shanbari, leader of Salah Ed Deen brigade, the armed wing of the Popular Resistance Committees.  Al-Shanbari was celebrating the holidays with his family when he was killed.

The reconnaissance patrol platoon of the Israeli Army’s Givati infantry brigade was operating in the Strip, Army Radio reported.

Al-Jazeera reporter said Israeli tanks positioned along the Gaza Strip border fired several shells at the city to allow the infantry troops to withdraw.