The Palestinian news network PNN reported on Wednesday that members of the newly formed Palestinian executive force started to recruit
personal in the West Bank city of Bethlehem and neighboring villages
and towns.

The move comes as part of a plan of the Palestinian government, headed by Hamas, to form this new security force in the West Bank as it did in the Gaza strip.

According to local sources a number of executive force members are recruiting young men from all political Palestinian factions, especially from Fatah who are angry from their leadership. The youth are from villages and towns around the west bank city of Bethlehem.

Palestinian Prime Minister, Isma'il Hanniyya, strongly encouraged that people from Palestinian factions join this force, perceived as a Hamas force, for that reason the Hamas ruling party opened talks with all factions on joining this force.

Several Palestinian sources stated that the formation of the executive force in the West Bank is still in its initial stage due to the refusal by other Palestinian faction to join it. Fateh members, and members of other security devices to be part of this newly formed force.

In one incident in Bethlehem, a Fateh member shot and injured a member of the executive force while  he was recruiting youth in the city of Bethlehem several months ago.


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