Khaled Masha’al chair of the politburo of Hamas will arrive in Egypt in
the coming few days for talks with Egyptian officials in Cairo, a
Palestinian source reported.

Masha’al’s visit will focus on talks over releasing the Israeli soldier captured in Gaza Strip and to bridge the gap between Hamas and Fatah in bid to reach an agreement over a national unity government.

The source said there is tendency among Hamas leaders to agree on forming a national unity government for a limited time and to hold early presidential and parliamentary elections afterwards.

However, the Iranian News Agency reported that Hamas is worried that the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will hold elections earlier that expected.

The sources added that a new deal to release the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit captured since June 25 is almost ready and pending approval of the Israeli government.

Shalit was captured in a military base south of the Gaza Strip in a military operation carried out by Palestinian resistance groups.  The captors demand Israel to release the Palestinian children and women imprisoned in Israel for the release of Shalit.