For the third consecutive time, the Israeli Prison Authorities renewed
the Administrative Detention order against detainee, Efat Oleyyan, 42,
for additional six months without pressing any charges against her or
sending her to court.

The Palestinian Prisoner Society reported that the military judge at the Ofer Military Court approved a decision by the Israeli Internal Security Services, (Shabak) to extend the remand of Oleyyan without sending her to court. The Shabak, as in hundreds of cases with Palestinian detainees, claims obtaining a secret file against each detainee.

The “secret file” allows the Israeli authorities to extend the remand of any administrative detainee without trial. Even lawyers of the detainees who are under administrative detention orders, cannot know the charges pressed against their clients, if any.

The Israeli security said that Oleyyan is “a threat to Israel's security” and that she is among the leaders of the Islamic Jihad Movement.

The Palestinian Prisoners Society slammed that renewal of administrative detention order and considered it politically motivated.

The society demanded the release of Oleyyan and her infant. A'esha, the baby girl of Oleyyan, was sent to her mother several months ago to breastfeed her; Israeli Prison Authorities intend to separate the child from her mother in the coming weeks.
Oleyyan was taken prisoner ten months ago and was placed under administrative detention order for six months, after that the administrative detention order was renewed for additional four months followed by six more months.

Oleyyan was first arrested in 1984 and was sentenced to 15 years after she was charged of planning attacks against Israeli targets. She was released in 1996 after the Oslo agreement between the Palestinian Liberation Organization and Israel. All 60 female detainees who were imprisoned by Israel at the time were released after the Oslo agreement.

Olayyan's is originally from Beit Itab village that was completely destroyed by Israel after the Nakba in 1948, after the family was displaced they became refugees living in the Deheisha refugee camp in Bethlehem. Later on, they moved to Al Doha town in Bethlehem.