Israeli prison officials announced Thursday that they will transfer all
Palestinians arrested at the Huwwara checkpoint in the northern West
Bank city of Nablus to the feared Qedumim Prison east of Qalqilia.
Named for its location inside the illegal Israeli settlement of
Qedumim, the prison has a reputation for its rampant abuse and neglect
of prisoners.
Lawyer Fayez Alzerba recalled such conditions from his last visit to the prison almost one year ago. "The prisoners being detained in each cell are double that of the cell's capacity. Most cells designed to hold three prisoners were holding six or more."

Mahmoud Khaddrg, a former prisoner, describes the conditions he had to endure. He said, "Many of the prisoners in Qedumim strike because of the harsh living conditions. For example, prisoners were only allowed to go to the restroom only three times a day. Those who had to go more often were forced to urinate into plastic bottles."

Constructed in the mid-1990s, Qedumim prison is considered the ultimate punishment as disease and health problems abound due to the inhumane treatment of its prisoners. Among the medical conditions found among the prisoners are: scourge, constipation, chronic pain in the abdomen, anemia, and various skin diseases.

Sourced from PNN